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Setting the Benchmark for Recovery Residences

Founded in 2011, the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) was created by a dedicated group of organizations and individuals with extensive experience in recovery housing. From the start, NARR has been committed to developing and maintaining a national standard that ensures safe, supportive environments for all levels of recovery housing.

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The Social Model Philosophy

A recovery residence is more than just a place to live; it’s a safe and healthy environment where individuals in recovery can practice essential life skills in a home-like setting. These residences operate based on the Social Model, which emphasizes:

  • Peer support

  • Healthy living skills

  • A deep connection with self and community

This approach reinforces positive habits, values, and attitudes that support long-term recovery. By promoting a sense of community and shared responsibility, the Social Model helps residents build the skills needed to sustain their recovery.

NARR Standard 3.0:
A Clear Framework for Recovery Residences

The NARR Standard 3.0 applies the Social Model through four key Domains, 10 guiding Principles, and 31 Standards, each with specific rules. Tailored to NARR’s four levels of recovery housing, this version provides a clearer, more streamlined approach without adding new operational requirements. It builds on Version 2 by refining the language to improve clarity and reduce redundancy, making it easier for recovery residences to implement.

Domain 1        Administrative Operations

Principle A.     Operate with integrity: Standards 1-4

Principle B.     Uphold residents’ rights: Standards 5 and 6

Principle C.    Create a culture of empowerment where residents engage in governance and leadership: Standards 7 & 8

Principle D.    Develop staff abilities to apply the Social Model: Standards 9-13

Domain 2      Physical Environment

Principle E.     Provide a home-like environment: Standards 14 and 15

Principle F.     Promote a safe and healthy environment: Standards 16-19

Domain 3      Recovery Support

Principle G.    Facilitate active recovery and recovery community engagement: Standards 20-25

Principle H.     Model prosocial behaviors and relationship enhancement skills: Standard 26

Principle I.       Cultivate the resident’s sense of belonging and responsibility for community: Standards 27-29

Domain 4       Good Neighbor

Principle J.      Be a good neighbor: Standards 30 and 31

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